Monday, 11 February 2008


I sent Out of Service. A problem onli climbed once, six years ago by a visiting strongman. A long long affair came to an end.
How did this happen?
How did a successful day dawned?
It dawned at 6 30 am, with me unable to sleep and afraid of missing the alarm. Then when there, I definitely felt something in me that gave me confidence. I felt happiness: happiness for being out with alot of friends in a sunny, cold, windy day. It was so good I didn't care about trying OOS. I could have climbed the whole day without it and it would have been perfect anyway. But I couldn't. I had just one go on "Iceberg", a powerful 7b+, and easily get to the last bit, before losing feet and falling. I didn't try it again, I have already done it, and didn't want to spoil the mighty energy I was feeling inside me. I walked away alone to clean the holds on OOS. They didn't need any cleaning. I was on from the first go, then one girl broke a small flake I was heel hooking on, and so I knew that I had to use the other heel hook. Next go I got the arete and I thought "what now?" because I had never tried the topout. So I just pulled. From the top I could hear everybody cheering me, but realized everything only many many minutes later.
It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone.It's gone. It's gone. It's gone.It's gone. It's gone. It's gone.It's gone. It's gone. It's gone.

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