Wednesday 16 January 2008


Pascal is right.

I don't have to have tunnel vision, or at least I have to know that this tunnel ends.

I am a simple minded person, I am not capable of solving big problems and looking too far in front of me. I see short. I want to see short, it helps me.

I will go on, regardless if I will crush outside or not, if I will suck at the competition tomorrow, if I will have time to climb more.

All I can see now is:

- have a good lunch;

- go to the gym and train;

- get back home.

Having planned the next four hours of my life should already make me happy.

EDIT: it's 7 pm, I had a good lunch but didn't train, due to this horrible cold that I brought back from Elba. Remember, never train when ill.
Now, I think I have to clear the post title. It's from Dante's Commedia, Inferno, XIII, 126. In Longfellow translation it is "As greyhounds, who are issuing from the chain". They are ferocious beasts that chase the souls of two violent hunters, one of which is Lano: Longfellow (1867), Inf. 13.120 "Lano," says Boccaccio, Comento, "was young gentleman of Siena, who had a large patrimony, and associating himself with a club of other young Sienese, called the Spendthrift Club, they also being all rich, together with them, not spending but squandering, in a short time he consumed all that he had and became very poor." Joining some Florentine troops sent out against the Aretines, he was in a skirmish at the parish of Toppo, which Dante calls a joust; "and notwithstanding he might have saved himself," continues Boccaccio, "remembering his wretched condition, and it seeming to him a grievous thing to bear poverty, as he had been very rich, he rushed into the thick of the enemy and was slain, as perhaps he desired to be."
That served him right: he shouldn't have teamed with the Florentines, historical enemies.
Now, apart any resemblance, the expression just seemed to me the best one to explain how I go at things now: like beasts unleashed.

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